Website Update
It has been a while since I have written a new blog, but I thought it would be a great time to do some rambling today, because my website has been updated!!
9 Dec 2021 13:58
It has been a while since I have written a new blog, but I thought it would be a great time to do some rambling today, because my website has been updated!!
13 May 2021 13:45
It has been a while since I actually wrote something for my blog and I guess that is because I am a bad blogger! ;) But today I want to share a problem with you all.
10 Sept 2020 16:33
Last week a dear friend of mine asked me to design a logo for her new company and I immediately had an idea in mind. So I got out my iPad, started drawing and created a logo that I thought my friend would like. When I showed it to her she was very quiet for a little while, during which time that little annoying voice in my head started talking to me, telling me that she must hate the design, despise the colours etc...etc.., but then she looked at me and said: 'It is beautiful!'
24 Aug 2020 21:01
18 Aug 2020 11:13
Last week I started my website and shop. Now everything is all set up and I am ready to take the first orders!
10 Aug 2020 22:23
The decision to devote my life to my art is one of the scariest steps I have ever taken, but to quote Bilbo Baggings: 'I'm going on an adventure!' and I hope you will join me on my artistic travels.